2015 - 2016
Project Cost
$10.5 Million
City of Los Angeles
Bureau of Engineering
Services Provided
Traffic Engineering
Riverside Drive Viaduct Replacement – Roundabout
- Los Angeles, CA
V&A collaborated with the Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to accomplish the design, approval and construction of the Riverside Bridge Roundabout, which is the first of its kind within the City of Los Angeles. V&A was responsible for the design of signing and striping, traffic signal and worksite traffic control plans.
The design of the very first significant roundabout in Los Angeles followed LADOT standards in conjunction with the latest California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CA MUTCD) standards. LADOT striping standards were used for the design of radii, taper lengths, lane widths and pavement markings. CA MUTCD standards provided widths and spacing for striping, dimensions for the new “fish hook” pavement markings and “shark teeth” yield markings. Signing and striping was also designed for a protected two-way bike path and pedestrian path. The proposed signing and striping for these pathways included continental crosswalks for pedestrians crossing bike lanes and pavement markings used to delineate pathways. V&A also provided traffic signal design which included Intelligent Transportation Systems (rectangular rapid flashing beacons) and conduit runs for interconnect, video fiber and a CCTV camera. For the construction of the roundabout, V&A provided multiple stages of worksite traffic control plans. These plans included AutoTURN analysis to ensure that large trucks (WB-40) can safely proceed through the construction area.
V&A utilized its extensive design experience and close working relationship with LADOT to design the very first significant roundabout in the city of Los Angeles. V&A now has the exclusive knowledge and experience needed for the design of a roundabout in the city of Los Angeles.