Cordoba Corporation
2019 - Present
Project Cost
$3 Billion
Los Angeles Metro
Transit Authority
Services Provided
Traffic Engineering
Eastside Transit Corridor – Phase 2
- Los Angeles, CA
The Eastside Transit Corridor Phase 2 Project proposes to extend the Metro Gold Line Eastside Extension from the existing Atlantic Station to the east by 6.9 to 9.5 miles. The proposed build alternatives would terminate near State Route 60/Peck Road or Washington Boulevard and Lambert Road.
As a subconsultant, V&A, Inc. provided professional engineering services including Advanced Conceptual Engineering (ACE) and traffic engineering design for two build alternatives. Each of the alternatives developed included design for restoration signing and striping, traffic signal and temporary traffic control design on the local streets.
The SR 60 NSDV Alternative will be a majority aerial configuration with a portion at-grade, and would require various local streets to be either completely reconstructed or widened. As a result, V&A is designing over a mile of restriping and traffic signal design for 6 intersections. The Washington Blvd Alternative will consist of aerial, at-grade as well as below grade alignments that extend in greater length than the SR 60 alternative. Due to the additional length and increased on-street construction activities, V&A will be designing over 4 miles of restriping and traffic signal design for 18 intersections.
V&A, Inc. is responsible for coordination with Caltrans, LABOE, LADOT, and other various agencies through the design process.