Ty Lin
2021 - Present
Project Cost
N / A
Los Angeles Metro
Transit Authority
Services Provided
Roadway Design
Civil Engineering
Traffic Engineering
Sepulveda Transit Corridor
- Los Angeles, CA
The Sepulveda Transit Corridor project proposes the construction of a Metro transit service running over 14 miles to connect the San Fernando Valley and the Westside, running through the Santa Monica mountains. The proposed project would connect to the Metro E Line to the south to the Van Nuys Metrolink/Amtrak station to the north.
As a subconsultant, V&A, Inc. is providing professional engineering services including roadway, station civil and traffic engineering design. V&A, Inc. is responsible for 2,800 LF of street improvement design from Sepulveda Blvd along Raymer St due to the roadway impacts from the elevated guideway columns. The V&A team is also responsible for the station civil design for four cut-and-cover stations to the south and four elevated stations to the north, providing updated pedestrian access, parking facility access, and reconstructing all impacted roadway and civil elements. Additionally, V&A is responsible for the relocation of the cul-de-sac on Del Gado Dr due to the Tunnel Portal structure and for the street improvement design of Brookhaven Ave and S Bentley Ave due to the Tail Shaft Ventilation Shaft impacts. V&A, Inc’s traffic engineering scope includes all striping within the above street improvement segments and station civil segments.