HNTB Corporation
2013 - 2014
Project Cost
$448 Million
City of Los Angeles Bureau
of Engineering
Services Provided
Civil Design
Traffic Engineering
V&A Awards
2023 Grand Conceptor - ACEC
Sixth Street Viaduct Replacement
- Los Angeles, CA
The Sixth Street Viaduct (Sixth Street Bridge) replacement project is the largest bridge project in Los Angeles at its time. The new viaduct built to replace the original 3,500 ft-long, 46 ft-wide viaduct that crosses over the Los Angeles River (River) and US 101 Freeway, local surface roads and railroad tracks.
V&A Inc. provided street lighting services to HNTB Corporation for the design of off-site intersections to mitigate impacts due to the demolition and construction of the viaduct. The V&A team also provided signing and striping plans, traffic signal plans, and civil improvements.
V&A Inc. conducted research of existing conditions for intersection and street lighting to accommodate current city of Los Angeles and Caltrans standards for temporary and permanent facilities at 13 intersections affected by construction. As part of the current city of Los Angeles Bureau of Street Lighting (LABSL) standards, all existing series circuits were upgraded to multiple and all incandescent luminaires were upgraded to industry standard LED luminaire including custom luminaires and electroliers. All street lighting design went through photometric calculations to meet illumination levels set by the city. The street lighting plans depicted all existing, removed, and proposed street lighting standards, pull boxes, conduits, and circuit/wiring diagram. These plans were prepared to a scale of 1”=40’ per City of Los Angeles Bureau of Street lighting requirements. V&A also provided design services during construction (DSDC) of the project.
City of Los Angeles requested the analysis of the several key intersections within the eastern portion of downtown Los Angeles. It is anticipated most of the key study intersections, if not all, were in need of left-turn protection via left-turn arrows as part of the traffic signal. Thus, installation of a left-turn signal phasing, new traffic signals as part of the overall traffic signal operation was submitted to the City of Los Angeles for their consideration and approval based on the analysis to be provided by V&A, INC..V&A, INC. prepared a left-turn signal phasing analysis of several key intersections within the study area. This work was prepared for LADOT to consider installation of protect left-turn phasing signal and new signals. The breadth of scope (i.e., approach and methodology) was developed based on our understanding of the project and our working experience in preparing traffic analysis within the City of Los Angeles.
V&A Inc prepared signing and striping plans that depict all existing, removed, and proposed facilities to accommodate the proposed continental crosswalks installation. The proposed signing and striping plans were designed at a scale of 1”=40’ per the City of Los Angeles Department of Transportation. V&A Inc. coordinated and attended comment resolutions meetings with LADOT for the approval and review of the signing & striping plans.
V&A Inc. also designed the traffic signal plans that depict all proposed traffic signal equipment (traffic signal controller cabinet, Signal standards, mast arms, vehicle heads, and pedestrian heads) along with all proposed traffic signal conduit, pull boxes, interconnect/video fiber, splice boxes, loop detectors, service feed, and proposed traffic signal phasing for 13 intersections. The traffic signal plans reflected all existing, proposed, and removed pavement delineation, traffic signage, safety lighting, and utilities to accommodate the proposed traffic signal design. The proposed traffic signal plan will be designed at a scale of 1”=20’ per the City of Los Angeles Department of Transpiration.
V&A Inc. designed the civil improvements for 13 intersections. V&A Inc. was responsible for the design improvements including new curb ramps and profiles to match existing field conditions within the limits of project scope of work. V&A, Inc. was responsible for coordination with Caltrans, LABOE, LADOT, LABSL, LADWP, LABSS, and other various agencies through the design review and approval process. The project had submittals for 60%, 85%, 100%, and AFC, in which V&A, Inc. has completed within original budget and met the design schedule.