Traffic Engineering

From transit intersections to freeways and roadways,
V&A, Inc. provides our clients with proven traffic engineering solutions that minimize impacts to vehicular thoroughfares on major design-build projects. We work closely with agencies such as LADOT, City Council Districts, and Caltrans to mitigate impacts due to a wide variety of public works projects, including freeway widening, light rail construction, bridge closures and demolition, ramp construction, and construction staging.
Recently, V&A, Inc.’s key role in the coordination, preparation, review and implementation of the Mulholland Drive Bridge TMP helped minimize the severity of 2011’s infamous “Carmaggedon,” as well as “Carmaggedon II” in 2012.
- Construction Staging
- Traffic Handling Plans
- Traffic Signal
- Pavement Delineation
- Street Lighting
- Roadside & Overhead Signage
- Freeway Ramp Meter Signal
- Ramp Lighting
- Transportation Planning Analysis